Become A Data-Driven Marketer: Why I think Wharton’s Marketing Analytics Online Program would worth your time

Farry Hsu
3 min readNov 30, 2021


Wharton’s Marketing Analytics is one of the most worthwhile online programs I have ever invested my time in. Before joining the program, I was a bit worried whether or not the content would be too entry-level. After all, I have 7 years of experience working in the digital marketing field and have been a full-time advertising consultant for over 3.5 years.

Wharton Marketing Analytics: If you are trying to apply for this online program, use my Referral Link here to receive US$260 off of your program fee.

I have created and launched several products across the North American, European, and Taiwanese markets, which means book-smart content would not satisfy my desire to advance to the next level. Luckily, those worries were me overthinking after I enrolled. The Wharton Marketing Analytics program is tailor-made for digital marketers with a solid working experience like mine. Furthermore, I realized that some executive-level or senior marketers have enrolled in the program. Hence, it strengthened my confidence that I went to the right place.

As a result, I’m going to share several things I love about this program.

First things first, the learning experience and the content itself are well designed and structured. I’m amazed by how well they break down the massive information into digestible pieces. And, it is well integrated into the learning platform and mobile-friendly. Oftentimes, consuming professional knowledge and massive documentation can be exhausting. By taking one piece of information at a time, I can finish each section or chapter without feeling overwhelmed. In terms of content, the class always provides tangible products or existing services as an example and avoid using technical terms when explaining the concept.

Secondly, I love the part that I can always receive feedback, whether from my peers or from the class leaders, after submitting my assignments. During each week, there were around three to four assignments. Some are to share your opinion on the discussion board toward a specific topic. Others are to submit the research to the class leaders. The program leaders always make sure your questions get answered on the discussion board. It’s simply inspiring to have a glimpse of other marketers’ thoughts, concerns, and feedback. As such, I would gain a whole new perspective to create the solutions by browsing the discussion board.

Third, the down-to-earth case studies and clear instructions are helpful and constructive. Completing the assignments while working a full-time job is not an easy task. Fortunately, the instruction on how to complete each research assignment is very helpful. For example, there is a chapter talking about customer-centricity strategy and the question in this chapter goes like this, “How should we apply customer-centricity strategy in our business?”

An open question like this is vague and scary because the answer can be anything and you just have no idea where to start. As a result, materials that guide us go through ideas play an important role here. Below are the following questions:

“What might customer-centricity look like in your organization?”

“What obstacles might you face as you try to help your organization become more customer-centric?”

“What steps could you take to overcome these obstacles?”

The following questions help me complete one tiny task at a time, and eventually, I can complete the whole pie without feeling frustrated.

In conclusion, I will highly recommend this program to anyone who is interested.

If you are trying to apply for this online program, use my Referral Link here to receive US$260 off of your program fee.



Farry Hsu

Paid Campaign Consultant & Growth Marketer. I help e-commerce startups launch ad campaigns in North American markets and improve ROAS with ads.